What is gestational diabetes ? what causes gestational diabetes ?

  • By sudha singh
  • at September 03, 2022 -


Gestational diabetes is a condition that develops during pregnancy. It's called gestational diabetes because it usually appears during the last half of pregnancy (gestation). It's also called pre-diabetes because it often precedes diabetes in people who develop it. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type II diabetes later in life.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar levels are high during pregnancy. Most people with gestational diabetes have it for only a short time, but in some cases it can last for up to two years.

There are many causes of gestational diabetes, but the most common ones are obesity, being over 40 years old, and having had gestational diabetes before. Some other causes include: having a family history of the condition, being pregnant while taking certain medications, and having a high blood sugar level before you became pregnant.

Causes of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes usually develops in pregnant women during the second or third trimester. It is a type of diabetes that occurs when the body doesn't produce enough insulin. The problem with gestational diabetes is that it can be hard to diagnose. There are many factors that can cause gestational diabetes, including weight gain, thyroid problems, and other metabolic disorders. Some women also develop gestational diabetes if they have a history of type 2 diabetes.

If you are pregnant and you have concerns about your blood sugar levels, speak to your doctor. However, most women with gestational diabetes don't need to take any special precautions during pregnancy other than following their normal blood sugar guidelines. If you do have gestational diabetes, your doctor may recommend prenatal care and testing for other disorders that can lead to gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes

gestational diabetes is a condition that develops during pregnancy. It’s also known as pre-eclampsia, because it can lead to serious complications for both the mother and baby. Ingestional diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. This causes high blood sugar levels in pregnant women. There are many reasons gestational diabetes can develop, but the most common cause is obesity. Other risk factors include: having a family history of diabetes; being overweight before getting pregnant; being older than 35; having a high blood pressure; and being African American or Native American.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes typically start around the third or fourth month of pregnancy, but they can occur at any time during pregnancy. Symptoms may include: feeling very hungry all the time; feeling very thirsty; having trouble regulating your blood sugar levels; being moody or irritable; passing out often; getting a lot of bad cramps; and having periods that are heavier than usual or lasting longer than usual. If you think you might have gestational diabetes, talk to your doctor. He or she will be able to do a physical exam and test your blood sugar levels. If you have gestational diabetes, you

Treatment for Gestational Diabetes

There is no one definitive cause for gestational diabetes, but various factors are known to increase a woman's risk. These include being overweight or obese, having a family history of the condition, and age (over 35 years).

Gestational diabetes typically develops during the first few months of pregnancy. However, it can also develop later in pregnancy, especially if you have a high blood sugar level before you get pregnant. Gestational diabetes is usually controlled with diet and exercise. If you have gestational diabetes, your doctor may recommend that you take oral diabetes medications throughout your pregnancy.

Prevention of Gestational Diabetes

If you are pregnant, you may be wondering if you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a condition that affects pregnant women and their babies. There is no one definitive cause for gestational diabetes, but it can develop due to a variety of factors. Here are some of the most common causes:

1. Diabetes in the mother before pregnancy
2. Obesity
3. Genetics
4. Environmental toxins (such as lead)
5. Acute stress reactions, such as those caused by illness or childbirth
6. Smoking
7. Poor diet
8. Irregular menstrual cycles (polycystic ovary syndrome)
9. Excessive exercise


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