What causes breast cancer ? breast cancer

  • By sudha singh
  • at September 03, 2022 -


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It can occur anywhere on the breast, but is most commonly found in the milk ducts and lobules. There are a variety of causes of breast cancer, including genetics, age, obesity, and exposure to the hormone estrogen.

Breast anatomy

breast cancer is a disease that affects the female breast. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and it is the leading cause of cancer death among women. There are many different types of breast cancer, and each type is caused by a different type of cell in the breast. Some types of breast cancer are more likely to be deadly than others. Here are some of the most common causes of breast cancer:

- Early-stage breast cancer may be caused by changes (abnormalities) in the genes that produce estrogen or progesterone. These abnormalities may be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals, or they may be inherited from your mother or sister.

- Later-stage breast cancer may be caused by changes (abnormalities) in the cells that make milk (lactose). These abnormalities may be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals, or they may be inherited from your mother or sister.

- Breast cancer that begins in the ducts that carry milk from the breasts to the baby (breast ductal carcinoma) usually has a very good prognosis (chance of survival), since most ductal

Breast types

There are many types of breast cancer, but they can all be caused by the same thing: the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is a natural substance that women produce in small amounts. It helps to make breast tissues grow and to keep them healthy. But when estrogen levels are high, it can also cause cancer.

Some types of breast cancer are more likely to happen if you have a family history of the disease. But even if you don’t have a family history, you can still get breast cancer if you have high levels of estrogen in your blood. And sometimes breast cancer doesn’t have anything to do with your hormones at all.

There are many things you can do to avoid getting breast cancer . But no matter what, it’s always important to see your doctor for regular checkups. He or she will be able to spot any changes in your breasts and help you take steps to protect yourself from this deadly disease.

Causes of breast cancer

There are many possible causes of breast cancer, but the root cause is still unknown. While genetics and environmental factors are considered contributing factors, most cases of breast cancer can’t be explained by a single cause.

However, researchers have identified a few risk factors that may increase your chances of developing breast cancer.

1) Age: Breast cancer rates are highest in women over 40 years old.

2) Family history: If you have a close family history of breast cancer, you are more likely to develop the disease yourself.

3) Weight: Women who are overweight or obese are at an increased risk for developing breast cancer. Obesity increases the risk for other types of cancers as well.

4) Reproductive history: Having children younger than 18 or older than 45 increases your risk for developing breast cancer.

5) Early menarche: Girls who have their first period before 12 years old have a higher risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

6) Race: Breast cancer is more common among white women than black or Hispanic women. However, this difference may not be due to any specific lifestyle or environmental factor, but instead may

Treatment for breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and the most deadly. It is also the most commonly diagnosed cancer. There are many different types of breast cancer, and treatment depends on the type.

There is no one cause of breast cancer, but there are several factors that may increase your risk of getting it, including age, family history, hormone use, and weight. Breast cancer can also develop from a benign tumor called a fibroadenoma.

Most cases of breast cancer can be treated successfully using surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. However, about 15 percent of women will develop a recurrence after treatment. If breast cancer is found early and treated correctly, the prognosis for women is generally excellent.

Prevention of breast cancer

There are many risk factors for breast cancer, but the cause is unknown. Some researchers believe that environmental and lifestyle factors may play a role in the development of the disease.

Some common risk factors for breast cancer include having a family history of the disease, being overweight or obese, having early menarche (the first menstrual period), using harmful chemicals or radiation during treatment for other cancers, and having a nulliparous (no children) uterus.

Breast cancer can also develop in women who have already had the disease in one or more other breast or in the skin around the breasts.

There is no one “cause” of breast cancer, but it can be prevented by avoiding known risk factors and by getting regular screening exams.


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